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网址:www.huashiz.oy56.cn  2021-07-23  作者:admin    阅读:

绘画的意境,是指创作活动中的形象思维而言,苏轼打过一个好比喻:“画竹必先得成竹于胸,执笔熟视,乃见其所欲画者;急起从之,振笔直遂,以追其所见,如兔起鹘落,稍纵即逝矣。”观物,取象而后“胸有成竹”,想象、构思才能“见其所欲画者”,而“免起鹘落,稍纵即逝”,则意味着一个快速过程,生动地概括了察物、造形、写意一整套本领。其中包括着生活、立意、想象、形象思维、典型塑造、一环扣一环,有机地联系着,凡能创意而非仿古的画家,扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训都有这样的体会。山水画描绘景象,并非自然山川的摹写,要“应目会心”,融进作者的审美追求,饱蘸作者思想感情,灌注作者对生活、自然的真切感受和认识,体现创作意图。从而形成“山川与予神遇而迹化”的情景交融的艺术境界,这即是山水画的意境。意境不是局部的点画,而是整幅画面总体的情、意、趣、格,它表现出的美感是多种多样的,或为清奇,或为空灵,或为浑成,或为绵密。一幅好画,当你还未及去辨认那给你造成这种精神境界的物质性的笔墨形式时,似乎那笔墨形式很知趣,它在完成其表现任务后,就悄悄地向后隐退了,令你在一种精神境界里神游,得到充分的美感享受,这种美感形式即为意境。
The artistic conception of painting refers to the image thinking in creative activities. Su Shi once made a good analogy: "when painting bamboo, you must first become a bamboo in the chest. When you write, you can see who you want to paint; It's like a rabbit rising and falling, and it's fleeting. " Viewing objects, taking images, and then "having a plan in mind", imagination and conception can "see the person they want to paint", while "avoiding falling and fleeting" means a rapid process, which vividly summarizes a complete set of skills in observing objects, shaping and freehand brushwork. It includes life, conception, imagination, image thinking, typical modeling, and links organically. All painters who can be creative rather than antique have such experience. Landscape painting is not a description of natural mountains and rivers. It should "focus on the eyes and heart", integrate into the author's aesthetic pursuit, fully dip into the author's thoughts and feelings, infuse the author's true feelings and understanding of life and nature, and reflect the creative intention. Thus, the artistic conception of landscape painting is formed. Artistic conception is not a partial stippling, but the overall feeling, meaning, interest and style of the whole picture. It shows a variety of aesthetic feeling, either strange, or ethereal, or integrated, or dense. A good painting, when you haven't had time to identify the material pen and ink form that caused you this spiritual realm, it seems that the pen and ink form is very interesting. After completing its performance task, it quietly retreats back, making you wander in a spiritual realm and get full aesthetic enjoyment. This aesthetic form is artistic conception.

