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网址:www.huashiz.oy56.cn  2021-04-20  作者:admin    阅读:

The artistic characteristics of sketch
由木炭,铅笔,钢笔等,以线条来画出物象明暗的单色画,称作素描。单色水彩和单色油画也可以算作素描;中国传统的白描和水墨画也可以称之为素描。通常讲的素描多元化指铅笔画和炭笔画。素描是一切绘画的基础,这是研究绘画艺术所必须经过的一个阶段。 素描通常采用可于平面留下痕迹的方法:如,炭笔,钢笔,画笔,墨水,及纸张等。轮廓和线条是素描的一般称谓。素描具备了自然律动感。不同的笔触营造出不同的线条及横切关系和节奏、主动与被动的周围环境、平面、体积、色调、及质感。
Charcoal, pencil, pen, etc. are used to draw monochromatic pictures with lines, which are called sketches. Monochrome watercolor and monochrome oil painting can also be regarded as sketch; Chinese traditional white drawing and ink painting can also be called sketch. Generally speaking, sketch diversification refers to pencil drawing and charcoal painting. Sketch is the basis of all painting, which is a stage that must go through in the study of painting art. Sketching is usually done by leaving traces on the surface: charcoal, pens, brushes, ink, paper, etc. Outline and line are the general terms of sketch. The sketch has the natural law movement. Different strokes create different lines, crosscutting relationships and rhythms, active and passive surroundings, planes, volumes, tones, and textures.
Sketch is a kind of formal artistic creation, in which monochromatic lines are used to express the things in the intuitive world, as well as ideas, concepts, attitudes, feelings, fantasies, symbols and even abstract forms. It doesn't pay as much attention to the whole and color as the painting with color, but to the structure and form.

